Wednesday 26 February 2014

Broadband: 2.3GHz auction raises industry’s hope

Johnson and Juwah
Information and Communications Technology stakeholders are optimistic that the successful auction of the 2.3GHz spectrum will boost the Federal Government’s broadband programme, STANLEY OPARA writes
 After months of suspense over the bidding process for the 2.3GHz spectrum, the controversy that has engulfed the country’s ICT industry last week was brought to an end as an unexpected bidder, Bitflux Limited, emerged the winner of the spectrum.
Hopes were therefore raised that the development will have a great impact on Nigeria’s broadband roadmap.

A spectrum auction is a process whereby a government uses an auction system to sell the rights (licences) to transmit signals over specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and to assign its scarce spectrum resources. Depending on the specific auction format used, a spectrum auction can last from a single day to several months from the opening bid to the final winning bid.

With a well-designed auction, resources are allocated efficiently to the parties that value them the most, while revenue accrues to the government in the process.

In the past decade, telecommunications has turned into a highly competitive industry where companies compete to buy valuable spectrum. This competition has been triggered by technological advancements, privatisation, and liberalisation.

The transparent process, through which the winner emerged, appeared to be unquestionable to all. This notion was also consolidated by the firm which lost out in the bid – Globacom Limited; as it (Globacom) admitted that its decisions with respect to its offer price for the licence was in line with a stipulated business model.

This, however, puts an end to possible clamour or protest by Globacom in the short, medium or long run as the company had taken the outcome of the bid in good faith. This, according to industry watchers, represents one great progress for the ICT industry.

Bitflux, now, is expected to concentrate on meeting its financial obligations to the government on the deal; and all things being equal, start operations in the shortest possible time.
The firm has 14 business days to pay $23,251,000 (which is the amount it offered for the spectrum) starting from February 19, 2014.

“Failure to do this, the offer to pay goes to Glo,” the Executive Vice Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission, Dr. Eugene Juwah, said while announcing the winner of the bid.
The NCC boss also stressed that even if Bitflux complied in paying in 14 days, it would be given another 30 days to pay N155m for the licence because it does not have a Unified Access Service Licence, which allows it to deploy services on the band.

It is after all these financial obligations have been met that the NCC will issue the licence to Bitflux, according to Juwah.

Bitflux and Globacom qualified at the pre-qualification stage from 19 operators that initially indicated interest to bid for the spectrum licence.

The bidding started with a mock auction a day before the actual auction. The actual bid was witnessed by government officials, industry operators and regulators, as well as the media.
The Director, Spectrum Administration, NCC, Mr. Austin Nwaulune, had said the Commission was operating an ascending clock auction model, where the bidders were expected to continue increasing their bid prices until a winner emerged. The entire process, however, was computer-based.

With a reserve spectrum price of $23m and mark-up of 15 per cent, the bid process started from $26.4m. At this level, none of the bidders indicated interest probably because of the high price.
This, therefore, resulted in the NCC calling for a second bid, which must be above the reserve price of $23m owing to the fact that the ceiling price – $26.4m – was considered rather high.
Bitflux is a consortium of three companies including VDT, BitCom and Superflex, while Globacom is the country’s second national telecommunications operator.

In a bid to ensure transparency, the NCC had said it made sure that the pre-qualification criteria did not make it necessarily mandatory for applicants to have any telecommunications operational licence in Nigeria.

However, applicants must be companies registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and must transfer an intention-to-bid deposit of $2.3m into a designated bank account.

The NCC said the deposit would bind the applicant to take up a licence, should it be a successful bidder, at the reserve price or any higher bid value submitted during the process.
The regulator also stressed that applicants must be independent from all other applicants under the allocation process.

The licensed operators that participated in the process had to fulfil all existing obligations to the commission, including the payment of the annual operational levy and Spectrum and National Numbering Plan fees prior to pre-qualification.

All things being equal, Bitflux will be granted a Wholesale Wireless Access Service Licence; and the tenure for the WWASL licence will be 10 years, subject to renewal.

The NCC EVC had said that the licensing of the spectrum would engender a deeper broadband penetration in the country. Available data indicates that the country currently has a six per cent broadband penetration but hope to achieve about 30 per cent of the same by 2017.
Such penetration, he added, would further spur a huge potential for the nation’s economic development even as ICT is now contributing about eight per cent to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product.
The Ministry of Communication Technology had already started a sensitisation programme under the National Broadband Roadmap, which is aimed at mobilising the industry, the governments and the general public to become aware and be receptive to the various broadband initiatives in the broadband roadmap.
The Minister of Communication Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson, said, “You are aware that the broadband council is already tracking the implementation of this roadmap. We have also established very critical collaborations and even signed some agreements at the various levels between governments at all levels and the telecoms operators.

“The emergence of a wholesale wireless broadband service provider today, will key into that aspiration of the Federal Government, the Ministry of Communication Technology and indeed the industry, to accelerate and optimise broadband potentials for our socio-economic development.”
Johnson said the Federal Government was encouraged by empirical statistics that broadband could transform lives and the nation as a whole as it is already doing in countries where they are optimally deployed.

She said, “We will continue to make reference to the often quoted statistics of a 10 per cent increase in broadband penetration delivering a 1.3 per cent increase in GDP.

“That in simple explanation means that broadband can increase business productivity, can lead to the creation of new businesses and jobs, can save lives, can deliver much needed skills in a developing nation, can provide security, can improve social engagement, and enrich governance.
“The fact that the ICT sector contributes over eight per cent to GDP means that broadband will accelerate the contribution to GDP in many folds.”

According to Johnson, what is more encouraging is that the country’s telecoms growth rate at about 30 per cent per annum indicates a quick return on investments.
That, she said, meant in the long run, that investments could be sustained and further growth achieved.

“As I have always said, if we can achieve our targets of a fivefold increase in broadband penetration by 2017 from six per cent to 30 per cent, we will deliver through broadband, a phenomenal three per cent increase in GDP,” she added.

The President, Association of Telecoms Companies of Nigeria, Mr. Lanre Ajayi, pointed out that the conduct of the spectrum auction was of global standard, and would go a long way in instilling confidence in the system; thereby attracting potential investors to the country.

A Director at Bitflux, Mr. Tokunbo Talabi, while expressing hope of increased broadband access in the country courtesy of the 2.3GHz band, said the decision by the firm to bid for the licence and the result of the bid process, were in tune with the business plan of Bitflux.

He, therefore, said the firm now had only one option, which was to consolidate on its mandate and give Nigerians value as far as broadband access was concerned.

 Source PUNCH.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Mobile World Congress: What to expect from Barcelona

Selection of phones 
 The latest smartphones will be unveiled at this year's show
If you are interested in portable tech, the place to be this week is the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
It is the annual bean feast and trade show for the mobile sector, with a brief that roams from smartphones and tablets to fast-emerging new areas such as wearable technology and the internet of things.
Most of the gadgets featured are small - but the event is huge.
This year there are 1,800 exhibitors vying for the attention of a likely 75,000 delegates and 3,500 journalists, all milling around in a cavernous 98,000 square metre, purpose-built conference centre that was used for the first time last year.

Start Quote

I think the whole topic of wearables will be very prominent.”
Michael O'Hara GSMA
The city fathers of Barcelona have reasons to be pleased.
Shiny new kit The organisers claim the event has created more than 7,000 temporary jobs and added 350m euros (£285m) of extra spending to the local economy.
Expected high points include major product launches from Samsung and other phone makers, along with a keynote address by Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg.
His speech will focus on the lofty theme of extending internet coverage in developing countries, where an estimated 3.5 billion people - half the world's population - still have no access.
Mr Zuckerberg is not expected to dwell on the latest big news at Facebook: its decision to spend $19bn buying WhatsApp, a free instant messaging service with 450 million users but no obvious sources of revenue.

Mark Zuckerberg 
 Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg will be making the keynote address
But for many of those attending, the real business of Mobile World Congress is the unveiling of shiny new kit.
Samsung is likely to be the company creating the most noise with the expected launch of the Galaxy S5, an upgrade to its flagship smartphone, at an event called Unpacked 5, being held away from the main conference venue.
"It's a massively important product for Samsung," says Ben Wood, senior analyst at CCS Insight.
It is reported that the South Korean electronics giant brought forward the release of its latest phone to counter flagging sales of the current model, the S4, released less than a year ago.
"They need to refind the impact of its predecessor, the Galaxy S3, which had acted as a halo device for the whole Samsung range, helping them to sell lots of other devices," says Mr Wood.

Samsung Galaxy S3  
Samsung will be aiming to replicate the success of the Galaxy S3
Smartphone makers do not necessarily sell many of their most expensive top-of-the-range phones but they make larger profits on each device sold and rely on them to generate interest in the more ordinary models most customers buy.
The market is huge. This year it is likely that global smartphones sales will exceed a billion units for the first time.
Other manufacturers including Sony, Nokia, HTC and the Chinese manufacturers Lenovo and Huawei are also expected to launch major new products at Mobile World Congress.
There will be particular interest in what the Chinese come up with. Lenovo and Huawei already sell vast numbers of phones in their home market and have set their sights on global expansion, but so far progress has been patchy.
"The reality is the Chinese companies… have found it a lot tougher than they had anticipated to break into markets beyond China," says Mr Wood.

Pebble smartwatch  
New smartwatches are set to be unveiled at MWC
But there is no doubting their ambition. Huawei, for example, has set itself a target of becoming one of the top three global phone makers by 2017.
People close to the company say it has the technical capability but where it needs to make progress is in building awareness of its brand, especially with US and European consumers.
The battle for the hearts and wallets of smartphone and tablet buyers is only part of the story at this year's Mobile World Congress.
As that market matures, tech companies are increasingly looking into newly emerging areas, with a big focus on wearable technology - gadgets worn on the body.
"I think the whole topic of wearables will be very prominent," says Michael O'Hara, chief marketing officer at the GSMA, the organisation behind the congress.
Several new smartwatches and fitness products worn on the wrist will be launched at the event.
Mr O'Hara is excited by the prospect of clothing that brings healthcare benefits through monitoring the wearer's bodily functions, including "a shirt that measures your heart rate without having sensors built into it. It does it through the fibres in the clothing and transmits that information."
It will be shown off at Mobile World Congress not by tech gurus but by a team of basketball players.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Windows 8.1 Update 1 Could Boot Directly to Desktop

More Windows 8.1 rumors to chew on.

New rumors are beginning to emerge regarding the next update for the Windows 8 platform. They stem from a leaked build of Windows 8.1 Update 1, and show that Microsoft really has listened to feedback. Microsoft is expected to reveal Windows 8.1 Release 1 sometime in March before the BUILD conference a month later.
One of the leaked builds is Windows 8.1 Update 1 Build 9600.16606, which was acquired by Windows leaker WZOR. Now there's speculation that Microsoft partners are already testing Update 1. There's also evidence showing that Microsoft plans to allow users to boot directly into Desktop rather than load up the Start screen first.
As stated in recent posts, one of Microsoft's biggest mistakes in promoting the new operating system was to force the new interface down the consumer's throat. Many of us embraced the design, clicked on the desktop tile and went on with our lives. Many customers haven't been quite so welcoming; it was entirely too much change.
Okay, so maybe booting into the desktop isn't a big deal. But selling Windows 8 on a pre-built machine that's sporting the Modern UI may have hurt PC sales overall. Windows 8.1 is a step in the right direction, merging the traditional and the new together. But right now it may not be enough. Take a line of laptops sitting in Walmart or Best Buy, switch them all to desktop, and see if the sales increase.

In a screenshot stemming from the leaked build, you can clearly see an option reading "When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start." This resides in the Taskbar and Navigation Properties box. If users want to see the Start screen, all they need to do is click the Start button.

There's also still talk about the Metro apps on the desktop. According to the new rumors, they not only sit pinned to the taskbar, but will actually run in the desktop environment. That little tidbit wasn't expected to arrive until Windows 9, but the word is that Microsoft wants this feature ASAP.
According to the leakers, Metro apps will have an "X" box for quickly shutting down the app. They also won't look like classic windows, meaning there may just be the single "X" box in the upper right-hand corner. Another feature in Update 1 is SkyDrive. Leakers claim that Microsoft has already re-named the service to OneDrive in the platform.

March 11 is supposedly the day Microsoft releases Update 1 to Windows 8.1 customers. Another update may arrive in October if Microsoft doesn't launch Windows 9 instead. The new platform was originally scheduled to arrive April 2015, but the company may be pushing to get into "9" territory as fast as it can to leave all that Windows 8 fiasco behind.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Aww, sweet love: Toke Makinwa opens up on secret wedding + official photos

Media personality, Toke Makinwa has been the talk of the town lately following her secret wedding to longtime sweetheart, Maje Ayida.
The duo got married in a ceremony that was kept so quite that news of it only leaked after it was done and dusted.
Well Toke said she was also caught unawares by the wedding and is still coming to terms with it.
She said:
On the 15th of January 2014,  I got married to my lover and Best Friend. It was such an intimate event, I haven’t stopped apologizing to family and friends who feel slighted that they could not attend. 
I really did not wish to keep it a secret, If anything we would have loved to have all our loved ones there with us but this was our registry and  so much had happened between Maje and I in the last 3 months.
Plus, it was such a huge surprise, I had no clue. I hate surprises but I must say, this one knocked me out of my elements because i usually suspect something is happening. Hehehehe!  I am not fully over it yet.
Relationships are tough, people go through the ups and downs and we as a couple have had our share of that. Having a private moment was not to offend anyone, it was God’s appointed time and No, I am not pregnant. Lol. 
Having a baby is a precious gift from God and when that time is right, I am sure he will bless us with ours. Without boring you all, cos you mean so much to me, I have decided to share some of the pictures from the happiest day of my life.
More photos below:

Just In: Nollywood sweetheart, Genevieve Nnaji becomes Etisalat Ambassador (PHOTOS)

by Akan Ido

One of the leading telecommunication companies in Nigeria, Etisalat have declared screen goddess, Genevieve Nnaji its product ambassador. According to the company, Nnaji will be “an ambassador for #easyflex”.
The beautiful actress announced the big move on her Instagram page posting a picture with the caption: “#etisalat #goinggreen

Oh no, not again! Actress, Tonto Dikeh under fire for posting this on Instagram (LOOK)

by Akan Ido
Controversial actress, Tonto Dikeh drew the ire of her fans earlier today posting a picture of herself with a young lady she called her “maid”.
Dikeh posted the cute picture with a lady in red with the caption: “Day out wit mi maid #fun #poko.”
Her followers on Instagram didn’t quite find it funny with many of them responding to her post wondering why she (the lady) couldn’t  be described by name instead of something they perceived as derogatory.

See some of their responses below:
nene_sky Why her name gotta be maid….I bet she has a name#justsaying
kweenteekay It’s nice you took her out but must you let everyone know she is your maid?
donlins2k2 Must u use that word **MAID**???
martinsaboy@tontolet1 ;u just wanna know what ur fans/people will reply ya again..its not just fair.why not just put up her name then in bracket u can put up least its way more beta..#justsayincos I knw d girl will feel kinda bad with ur words if she should ever instagram and read it up
mayorblacky Saying you took you maid out dosent make you a nyc person but keeping her identity and treating her rights makes u a good person. Dat you took her our today dosent mean you treat her good i bet you took her out so she could watch your dogs. No beefs just dont like the maid thing poko
- jolielove1Gash Shame on you…you have to know how to treat you said she’s your maid so you batter learn how to treat her or you will regret one day..

And trust the actress to reply her critics. Here’s her response:

tontolet1 Why do u pipo alwaz look for fault in anytin I do or say? Remember d bible says “ye dat alwayz see d bad/fault in odaz without seeing his/her own iz digging d pit to grave” (non b me talk ham o na so he dey for bible) #poko

Caught in the act: 2 police officers found having sex in house

Cops ‘snuck into Hamptons cottage for sex’
The home where the officers were caught
Two police officers were caught unawares in a New York neighbourhood having sex in a resident’s house.
The officers, one a patrolman and the other a female traffic control officer, believed that the vacation home was empty when they decided to choose it for their sex romp.
Unfortunately for them, the owner of the home was expecting guests who happened upon the couple in the act and reported them.

Huffington Post reports:
An unnamed 31-year-old patrolman and a 20-year-old female part-time traffic control officer were so focused on their sexy stakeout that they apparently didn’t notice the guests’ arrival.
The visitors quietly exited and walked a short distance to the East Hampton Village station house to report the romantic intruders, the East Hampton Star said.
The cops were caught on Dec. 30. The three guests had arrived from Georgia to spend the New Year’s holiday in the vacation home of Manhattan interior designer J. Arthur Dunnam.
The female officer also reportedly worked part-time as a maid in Dunnam’s home. She has been stripped of her job while her male companion was suspended without pay.
Dunnam pressed charges and Village Police Chief Gerard Larsen told the East Hampton Star that there’s “an ongoing internal investigation.”