Wednesday 22 January 2014

Aww, sweet love: Toke Makinwa opens up on secret wedding + official photos

Media personality, Toke Makinwa has been the talk of the town lately following her secret wedding to longtime sweetheart, Maje Ayida.
The duo got married in a ceremony that was kept so quite that news of it only leaked after it was done and dusted.
Well Toke said she was also caught unawares by the wedding and is still coming to terms with it.
She said:
On the 15th of January 2014,  I got married to my lover and Best Friend. It was such an intimate event, I haven’t stopped apologizing to family and friends who feel slighted that they could not attend. 
I really did not wish to keep it a secret, If anything we would have loved to have all our loved ones there with us but this was our registry and  so much had happened between Maje and I in the last 3 months.
Plus, it was such a huge surprise, I had no clue. I hate surprises but I must say, this one knocked me out of my elements because i usually suspect something is happening. Hehehehe!  I am not fully over it yet.
Relationships are tough, people go through the ups and downs and we as a couple have had our share of that. Having a private moment was not to offend anyone, it was God’s appointed time and No, I am not pregnant. Lol. 
Having a baby is a precious gift from God and when that time is right, I am sure he will bless us with ours. Without boring you all, cos you mean so much to me, I have decided to share some of the pictures from the happiest day of my life.
More photos below:

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